Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bathing the Girls

In hot weather the girls piss down the inside of their hind legs a lot. It may serve to cool them as the urine evaporates. In the dry hot weather a few days of pissing can start to get a bit hard on the nose, at least for some.

So every few days I halter the girls one at a time and lead them to a tie post near the hose. I make it fun and pleasant and throughout the bathing they get random carrot bits. After washing we go together for a short, happy, walk then the halter comes off, and in goes another carrot. Then it's the next girl's turn.

I don't force anyone, just going with those who are willing. Luckily they are also the ones who need it most! The other girls watch, and one by one they are getting interested. Observing how much fun it is, how many carrots get served and how fresh and relaxed the washed ones feel... I think its starting to look like not such a bad idea to the older girls, and the guys too.

HiHo, our resident "monkey", a young bull with enough personality for two camels, often comes over and sits by the "camel wash"... sitting to the side, hoping a carrot will come his way just for looking cute and, occasionally, low and behold, a carrot does somehow end up in his mouth...!


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